State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


During the study of the Software Engineering course, first-year students learned modern project management methodology for flexible software development: Extreme Programming, DSDM, Scrum, FDD, Agile. Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile sof..
14:06, 14-06-2016
The quality of professional training in the field of mobile communications determines the future of technologies. This shows the great importance of education in this direction. Universities and colleges prepare Specialists in the area of wireless br..
13:55, 14-06-2016
Students of undergraduate Education and Research Institute of Information Protection completed all preparations for the trip to the Summer School, Tempus
16:28, 13-06-2016
Anniversary of manager of department СЗІ.
16:21, 13-06-2016
May 26, 2016 at the department Information Security Management defended master's diploma students educational groups UBZM-71. Results of protection: 10 students on the list of committee members unanimously the better marked - Andriyenko AI Burma..
16:16, 13-06-2016
09:20, 13-06-2016
25 and May 26, 2016 took place the last two in this academic year, the seminar from the company «CyberBionic systematics».
17:09, 12-06-2016
Оn May 26, 2016, in its central office, Resource Development Unit Epam Kyiv held a remarkable event - EPAM University Days. The event was attended by Head of the Applied Programming Department Onishchenko V.V. and by coach of EPAM training center at ..
16:43, 12-06-2016
Head of the Applied Programming Department Onyshchenko V.V. took part in the international conference «Fractality and Fractionality», 17-20 May 2016, Leiden (Netherlands).
13:15, 12-06-2016
12:28, 12-06-2016
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