State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Program-technical complex of key certification center "CryptoKDC"

14:11, 22-03-2016

On the SDS the Department of the state University of telecommunications, scientific and educational purposes, expanded program-technical complex of key certification center "CryptoKDC", provided by "the AUTHOR".

The open company "AUTHOR" is one of the leading developers of products and solutions in the field of cryptographic information protection (CDP), including using the electronic digital signature (EDS). All products have a positive expert opinion of State service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine and used in corporate information systems.

Program-technical complex of key certification center "CryptoKD" provides a full complex of services to create systems of legal protected electronic document circulation using electronic digital signature; public key infrastructure; systems two-factor user authentication; protection of voice communication channels and data transmission channels, etc. Composition of program-technical complex of CA "CryptoKDC" can be registered and accredited.

Program-technical complex provides functioning of a single system of specifications for tools development and EDS, and provides organizational-technical means of application of certificates of open keys for the following problems:

  • establishment of key management digital signature in automated systems activities;
  • build a system of legally significant electronic signature in the electronic document;
  • ensuring distribution of authority and the granting of user access to information resources of automated information systems;
  • monitoring the integrity of public information resources;
  • monitoring the integrity of electronic documents, transmitted to the automated systems of the customer;
  • ensuring the confidentiality of data transmitted in the information exchange process.
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