State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "world"
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
News in which occurs: "world"
Learning and teaching English has always been captivating, but recently, it's undergoing a true revolution thanks to the use of Virtual Reality (VR). This new trend provides students with a unique opportunity to truly immerse themselves in the wo..
11:47, 27-12-2023
December 28, 2022 the State University of Telecommunications will host an international conference for European countries «DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AS A STRATEGIC DIRECTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMYIN THE WORLD AND IN UKRA..
17:43, 26-12-2022
April 12 - we celebrate the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics.
14:02, 12-04-2017
Department of Computer Engineering welcomes the holiday of scientists, teachers, future scientists - students and aspirants! New success, even the highest altitude Science always obey you! Happiness, health, peace and harmony to you and your famil..
14:34, 10-11-2016
16 August 2016, China successfully launched the world's first satellite quantum communication
12:05, 29-08-2016
May 19, 2016 in absentia held mode II International Scientific Conference of students and youthWorld of information and telecommunications. The conference was attended by students, postgraduates and young scientists from all educational and re..
16:24, 24-05-2016
17 May World Information Society Day (World Telecommunications and Information Society Day). Until 2006, this day was celebrated as the International Telecommunications Day or the World Day of Telecommunications (World Telecommunications Day)...
11:44, 17-05-2016
Happy World Amateur Radio Day! Every year on April 18, a large group of amateur radio enthusiasts all over the world celebratе their professional holiday - the World Amateur Radio Day. Company sections, amateur radio clubs are taking part in th..
13:39, 18-04-2016
The Department of Computer Systems and Networks, World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics
08:54, 12-04-2016
And did you know that 93% objects of company Apple all over the world work on refurbishable energy?
10:14, 03-04-2016
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