State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Educational process

E-Learning (MOODLE)

Educational process

State University of information and communication technologiesprovides education for specialists with higher education at educational qualification level Bachelor, specialist and Master.

Education of students at the University is accomplished in the following forms:

- Full-time;

- Part-time, distance.

In academic year 40 weeks of theoretical studies or 60 credits ECTS (from 2 to 6 weeks of them - examination period) are planned in University.

Educational process according to full-time education will be organized under semi-annual system. All types of practical meetings are implemented out of terms of theoretical studies (except pedagogical practice).

Vacations are implemented  twice a year. Total duration no less than 8 weeks. Its particular terms are determined by the schedule of educational process of each academic year.

Standard term of education a Bachelor under full-time education is 4 years. Training programs of specialist of educational qualification level “specialist” and “master” are calculated on 1 year and 1,5 year for individual specialty according to consent of Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

In case of education without discontinuing work standard term of  Bachelor training designates 5 years and term of specialist training – 1,5 years, Master – 2 years.

Academic year of each course is divided on 2 semesters. Each academic week equals 54 hours of student’s educational work. That means 1,5 credits ECTS. First three courses contain autumn semesters – 18 weeks and spring semesters – 19 weeks. Examination period lasts 2 weeks.

Control measures are necessary in feedback in educational process. They define appropriateness of knowledge, skills and abilities level to the demands of standard documents concerning higher education and provide opportune correction of educational process.

Module control is the main type of control of student’s educational achievements.

Organization and realization of module control is accomplished according to “Statute for credit-modular technology of the educational process of the State University of information and communication technologies

List of exams and credits of semi-annual control is determined by work educational plan of specialty. Amount of exams of each session can’t exceed 5 and credits can’t exceed 6 (except practice credits).

Semester credits of certain discipline are held after expiry of its learning and to the beginning of session. Credits are held by teachers/lecturers who carried out practical, seminar and other courses in studying groups or who delivered lectures of given discipline. Credits are put down under the result of student’s work during a semester (accomplishment of semester individual tasks and tests by student, speeches on seminar lessons and monitoring system marks) if he/she gets credit rating of discipline no less than 0,6 from maximum amount of value (scale of credit rating). If student doesn’t get positive credit result according to rating, credit will be put down under the results of credit test or conclusive discussion.

Semester examinations are taken by students during examination period according to the schedule is confirmed by Dean of the faculty (institute director) and is brought to teacher’s and student’s knowledge not later than month before the beginning of session. Deviance from an exam schedule is impossible.

It is necessary to plan no less than 2-3 days for preparations to each exam (it depends on semi-annual extent of school/institute-hours).

It is necessary to provide consultation before each of exams. Student doesn’t have to be permitted to pass exams of certain discipline if he/she didn’t complete all kinds of work, tasks (laboratory examination and certain individual tasks), that are envisaged by work educational plan per semester of this subject matter. Or he/she has unsatisfactory both attestation of discipline (for students of 1-4 courses). Herewith teacher writes “deny admission” in an examination credit record. Non-admission of a student to an exam of certain subject matter cannot be a reason not to admit student to pass another exams. Student who fell ill during session has to inform dean's office about his/her illness not later than the next day after exam and in week  after recovery give a medical certificate (for full-time students – sworn by public health service of university).

Examinations are taken by lecturers who taught this course. Teachers who held another types of lessons in this group can take part in exams. If separate part of discipline were taught by different teachers, exam (credit) can be held with the participation of both teachers who put down one mark. As an exception, if there are valid reasons, a head of department under dean’s agreement (director of institute)can appoint another teacher to take an exam who is a lecturer of this discipline. The results of exams, differentiate credits, defense of a thesis or practice are estimated according to four point scale (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”). Credits are estimated according to two point scale (“accepted”, “not accepted”). They are put down to examination record, student's record book (positive results) and student’s educational card. If student gets unsatisfactory, he/she can go in for an examination/credit two more times.

Commission can take an exam in case of second examination (credit). It is made by dean's office (director of institute). The commission mark is final. If student was admitted to pass an exam but didn’t appear without any valid reasons, it is considered he’d used already the first attempt to pass an exam (credit) and had been in arrears. In case of conflict situation dean's office (director of institute) has to create commission under the teacher’s or student’s motivated claim. The commission consists of head of department (dominant teacher) and teachers of certain department, presenters of dean's office, student’s trade committee and student’s council. Pass exam to get positive mark is possible no more than three times of the discipline during all the period of studying. Dean (director of institute) gives an admission to pass such exam under the student’s claim and accordance the head of certain department. Students who get no more than 2 unsatisfactory marks during a session can liquidate academic debt. It is carried out after the end of session.

In case of reasonable excuse (illness, family circumstances etc.) that are evidenced, some students can have individual exam (credit) schedule or liquidate academic debt no longer than a month from the beginning of the next semester. If it is not enough to implement individual schedule, sabbatical year or re-course will be regarded.


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