State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Methodical work

Educational disciplines
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Work with students
Educational literature
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Methodical work

Harmonious integration educational, organizationally-methodical and scientific processes at INSTITUTION  of higher learning is  basis of forming of modern student, which can not be formed as a literate specialist without an integral capture by all three constituents in the period of educating By means of such work he acquires skills of educating, mastering, processing and use of new information. 

The basic forms of study of educational disciplines on the department of physics are lectures, practical and laboratory employments. In addition, part of material is studied by students independently.

Basis of physics is fundamental physical theories, laws, scientific problems. They are sent to providing of high-quality fundamental preparation of students and developing their creative flairs. The aim of study of discipline of physicist is fundamental preparation of future specialist.

The program on physics and physics of optical connection is built on one of modern  -  credit - to the module chart which provides upgrading of education in the conditions of informative society,   educational mobility to every student, acquisition of ability of self-realization and competitiveness at the market of labour. She is aimed at maximal individualization of process of educating. Professorial - the teaching staff of department actively works on new educational technologies educational - educator process in accordance with the democratic values of  scientifically-technical achievements of the Болонского process.

In basis credit - to module technology of educating to disciplines on physics and physics of optical connection are next principles: introduction of principles of permanent stimulation of independent capture a student by educational material, providing of regularity and continuity of educating, increase of value and objectivity of current and final control, abandonment from the traditional forms of estimation of knowledge of students which strongly depends on subjective approach of teacher. 

Credit - the module system allows to take into account all aspects of work of student and estimate him  sent to the capture by educational material.  At determination of total module estimation a teacher has a right to increase her from 1 to 5 points depending on activity of student on employments, timeliness and care of working off educational materials, participating in olympiads and  scientific, as a rule student conferences.

This method stimulates activation of educational process, improves attendance of employments, participating of students in olympiads on physics, bringing in of them to scientifically - to research work  and the account of individual features of students strengthens motivation of high-quality study of the program of educational disciplines.

Executable educational  codes of course of general physics and physics of optical connection are basic documents, qualificatory a volume and order of study of the modules, list of laboratory works and that practical employments in accordance with the industry standard of higher education.

On lectures students must become familiar with fundamental natural laws, properties and structure of matter, master physical theories, fundamental concepts and determinations of physical sizes, essence of hypotheses, models, laws, principles, to form the integral modern physical picture of the world.

On practical employments theoretical knowledge are fastened by the decision of tasks and  examples, methods and methods of decision of concrete tasks accustom from the different divisions of physics. 

On laboratory employments students must become familiar with the investigated physical phenomena and laws, understand essence of research methods, purchase skills of evaluation of the technical equipments used for experimental researches,  establishment of authenticity of the got results, learn to draw on for an analysis the results of statistical methods of treatment of results and modern computing engineering

For comfort of treatment and increase of level of mastering of material in the process of independent work, at the end of every division of the studied disciplines control works and list of the recommended literature are conducted. On-line tutorials are sent to the increase of level of mastering of lecture material, development of scientific world view, modern physical thought and skills of active independent  educational, scientific, methodical and practical activity, inoculated ability to do an experiment and conduct his analysis, develop thought and creative capabilities, necessary for forming of high level of future specialist.

In order to improve control of the assimilation of the material by students, the department developed a system of testing students using a computer hardware and software. It will automate the monitoring process, increase the level of objectivity of assessment of students' knowledge and make it impossible to conduct corruption.

The rating system of evaluation of knowledge of students allows to create the most optimal, clearly set forth, objective, reliable, scientifically reasonable criteria of traditional and new forms of control. This system takes into account the individual features of student, timeliness,  continuity, specification of terms of implementation of tasks, possibility of self-control from the side of students, correct attitude of teachers toward students, does the process of control of knowledge clear and transparent.  

On a department methodical seminar employments are systematic conducted. All members of department conduct mutual attendance of lessons.

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