State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The world's first satellite quantum communication

12:05, 29-08-2016

16 August 2016 China successfully launched the world's first satellite quantum communication from the cosmodrome Jiuquan in Gansu province, reports Xinhua news Agency. The start was made at 01:40 local time with the help of the carrier rocket Changzheng-2D.

Reportedly, the development of the device began in 2011. The first quantum communication satellite, as the engineers said the journal Nature, will weigh about 600 kg and its cost is estimated by developers at $ 100 million.

The first task of this unit after its withdrawal, the orbit will be establishing an encrypted communication channel between Vienna and Beijing is similar to that on Earth now create dozens of groups of scientists, including Russian physicists. In addition, in the second half of this year is planned commissioning of the quantum communication line between Beijing and Shanghai. The length of the line will be more than 2 thousand kilometers.

Satellite quantum communication has received the name the ancient Chinese philosopher Mo-zi (Micius). Mo Tzu - ancient Chinese philosopher, developed the doctrine of universal love. He lived presumably in 470-391 years BC. Religious form of his doctrine is moism. It is believed that the philosopher held the first in the history of mankind the optical experiment.

From the beginning of XX century, scientists are developing methods of encryption and secure information transfer. One of the authors of the project, Professor of science and technology University of China mister Tsanvey, explained that quantum data transmission has many advantages, most important of which - an incredibly high speed. In addition, this type of connection is safe enough, since the photons, which built technology that can't be shared or duplicated.

Also, they have two key weaknesses - they can be broken upon application of sufficient computing power (e.g., quantum computer), or information can be retrieved by "overhearing" her transmission on the data channel. The so-called quantum networks solve both these problems due to the fact that the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle does not allow "third superfluous" to read information from the data channel and to find the key for it.

Thus, this relationship is impossible to listen to, to hack or intercept. The program of the ANC includes the launch of the satellite and the construction of four receiving stations on Earth. In addition, the researchers will create an experimental space station, which will be engaged in research in the field of quantum teleportation.

Experts also hope to explore the mechanism of quantum entanglement, as well as to test quantum teleportation. According to preliminary data, the experiment will take about two years and will be called the mission "Quantum experiments at space scale (QUESS).

"During a two-year mission, the satellite must set the "tamper-proof" system of quantum communication, passing intractable to intercept the keys from space to earth", - is spoken in the message of the state Chinese news Agency "Xinhua".

Data transmitted from the satellite will be contained in the series of photons that cannot be intercepted or copied. Any attempt to intercept will lead to their destruction.

New Chinese satellite to send secure messages between the capital of China Beijing and Urumqi the capital of Xinjiang province, where there are often excitement.

Believes the scientific community, the launch of the satellite quantum communication will be the main step for the implementation of quantum communication on a global scale. Successful completion of the mission, according to one of the developers of the probe, is likely to force the Chinese government to accelerate the development of these technologies and launch new probes into orbit. About 20 such satellites, according to physics, is necessary for complete coverage of the Earth reliable communication systems.


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