State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "122 Комп’ютерні науки" кафедри Комп’ютерних наук та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

All significant textbooks and monographs publications of the Department are connected with the name of V.Steklov. Publishing house « Tekhnika» produced new system textbooks for students of Ukraine educational institutions, specialty “Telecommunications”, which meet not only the students of higher educational institutions, teachers, researchers, but also thousands of specialists of connection industry.

The cycle of textbooks and monographs published at high scientific and methodical level, which is especially important - considered problems of dynamic development of telecommunication networks in the world of modern technological solutions:

«Telecommunication network», K.: Technika, 2001, 392 p.;

«System of automatic control of regulated power supplies amplifiers», 2001, 232 p.;

«Designing of telecommunication networks», K.: Tekhnika, 2002, 792.;

«Basics of management of networks and telecommunications services», K.: Tekhnika, 2002. - 438 p.;

«The transport network and telecommunication systems », K.: Tekhnika, 2003, 348 p.;

«System of phase locking differential communication», K.: Tekhnika, 2003, 328.;

«System of phase-locked loop in communication», K.: Tekhnika, 2003, 368 p.;

«The transport network and telecommunication systems. System multiplexing», K.: Tekhnika, 2003, 350 p.;

«Post service», K.: Tekhnika, 2003, 904 p.;

«Optimization and modeling of devices and systems of communication», K.: Tekhnika, 2004, 576 p.;

«New information technologies of the Transport network of telecommunications», K.: Tekhnika, 2004, 488 p.;

«The modern system of management in telecommunications», K.: Tekhnika, 2005, 400 p.;

«System of phase-locked loop and synchronous-phase demodulators,» K.: Tekhnika, 2006, 288p.;

«Multi-channel modems in telecommunication networks»,Zyazok 2006, 149 p.;

«Theory of telecommunication», K.: Tekhnika, 2006, 552.;

«Telecommunications management with application of the newest technologies,» K.: Tekhnika, 2007, 384 p.

Serih S. O., Gajdur G. І., Іlin O.O. Improvement of subscriber lines telecommunication networks using xDSL technology - a Training manual prepared for independent work of students of higher educational institutions. - Kiev: ESITI SUICT, 2012.-54 p.

Horunzhij O.І.Designing tract data. - A training manual prepared for independent work of students of higher educational institutions. - Kiev: ESITI, SUICT, 2009.- 54 p.

Annually, the Department, with the participation of all teachers, publishes innovative technologies textbooks. Scientific-pedagogical staff of the Department is working hard to publish the guidelines in electronic form, simplifying access to information to students.

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