State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
Contact information:
Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Material base

General information
Educational disciplines

Material base


The educational process in the specialty 8.170102 - «System of technical protection of information» is provided on the material-technical base of University and research Institute of information protection.

In addition, students have the opportunity to use the computer classes of the Department of «computer engineering», other departments of the University, which generally gives an opportunity to every student in full-time education to work with PC on a daily basis for more than two hours. All computers each audience joined in a local computer network connected to the local network of the University and the global computer network Internet.

The possibility of using a global network the Internet helps in search of methodical and scientific information necessary software.

Students majoring 8.170102 «System of technical protection of information» classes actively use educational and electronic library of the Institute of information protection, and also readers and electronic library and University libraries. Kiev.

Premises departments meet sanitary and technical standards, air conditioned and have proper illumination.

Observance of norms of safety at the departments of the Institute is supervised by a responsible person and is regularly inspected by the relevant departments.

Classroom and other premises of the departments of the Institute and departments of the University, which provides the educational process for preparation of specialists on specialty 8.160102 «System of technical protection of information» correspond to existing norms that provides high quality training.

In General, material - technical provision of the educational process in all respects meets the applicable regulations.

Teachers and students have the opportunity to work with professional periodicals listed below:

  • «Business and security »;
  • «Questions of information protection»;
  • «Network solutions magazine LAN»;
  • «Information protection. A fiduciary»;
  • «Protection of information»;
  • «Computerpress»;
  • «Computers + Programs»;
  • «Corporate systems»;
  • «Internet World»;
  • «PC world»;
  • «Communication world (the World of communication and Informatics);
  • «The world of connection(Connect): Science, business, management»;
  • «My computer»;
  • «Open systems»;
  • «Security systems»;
  • «Personal computer today (PC Magazine/Russian Edition)»;
  • «Planeta Internet»;
  • «Network " World. The global network and telecommunications);
  • «Networks and communication systems»;
  • «Networks and telecommunications»;
  • «Communication networks»;
  • «Security service»;
  • «Telecom: telecommunications and networks»;
  • «Managing machines and systems»;
  • «Chip (CHIP)»;
  • «Chip News»;
  • «Hacker»;
  • «Electrosvyaz».
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