State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "development"
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: The Scientific Council
News in which occurs: "development"
December 28, 2022 the State University of Telecommunications will host an international conference for European countries «DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AS A STRATEGIC DIRECTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMYIN THE WORLD AND IN UKRA..
17:43, 26-12-2022
The dynamics of the development of modern mobile radio technology for transmitting multimedia information relevant requirements put forward to the graduates of the specialty Equipment of radio broadcasting and television educational qualification of ..
12:47, 25-05-2016
Dear students of the State University of Telecommunications. 12.04.2016 at 15:15 in the conference hall with the support of IT DUT School will be held 1 lesson on the theme Development computer games on the Unity Platform 5. Unity — mult..
18:47, 05-04-2016
5G for Europe program is created for the implementation of innovative research and industrial projects based on the use of opportunities of the fifth-generation networks.
11:53, 05-04-2016
March 23, 2016 at the session hall parliamentary hearings were held of the Supreme Council on the topic Ways of development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine in terms of decentralization of power. The participants of the hearings, it was note..
13:48, 28-03-2016
The department of radio monitoring and radio frequency management has been heard by head of the department, and demonstrated long-term plan to improve the material and technical base of the laboratories of the department, which will improve the train..
14:54, 23-03-2016
Mobile ad network InMobi announced the results of the survey more than a thousand developers around the world, according to which the Windows Phone became the least popular operating system for building applications, but at the same time the most pro..
11:59, 10-03-2016
At the Department of Information Security Management prepared and approved an updated structural and logical scheme of the curriculum for students in the area of Information security management. SLS meets the latest requirements of the leg..
14:40, 26-02-2016
03 February, 2016 in 15:00 the parliamentary listening took place on a theme: «Reforms of industry of informatively-communication technologies and development of informative space of Ukraine».
10:17, 05-02-2016
Today Information and Communication Technology are one of the most important factors in stimulating economic growth and employment, the expansion of competition and, as a consequence - help overcome the digital exclusion, both social and geographical..
13:24, 04-02-2016
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