State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Information and Communication Technology: reforms and development

13:24, 04-02-2016

Today Information and Communication Technology are one of the most important factors in stimulating economic growth and employment, the expansion of competition and, as a consequence - help overcome the "digital exclusion", both social and geographical. Exactly the level of technological development determines not only economic potential of country and quality of life of its citizens, and also role and place of this country in global society, the scopes and perspectives for its economic and political integration with the world. It should also be noted that more and more the interaction of government, business, academia and the citizens takes place with the use of ICT and that the stability of the operation and development of ICT - industry depends on public awareness in the country and create conditions for sustainable growth of the economy.

Therefore, taking into account the dynamics of development ICT - industry and the need to introduce innovative forms of training in the preparation of specialists in the field of "Mobile and TV systems of the transfer multimedia technology" employees of the radio technologies department took part on February 3 at the parliamentary hearings on the topic: Reform the Information and Communication Technologies and development the information space of Ukraine.

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