State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications

General information

Management of faculty
Departments of faculty
Faculties of the Institute
Management personnel of the Institute
Contact information
Contact information

General information

Department of Telecommunication is part of the Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies.

The History of the Department of Telecommunication starts in 1990. Then there was organized the full time Department of Multichannel telecommunications at the Kiev branch of the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications them. Popov. Its first dean was Ph.D., Professor Rostislav V. Uvarov. In 1996-2004 the Department was led by Ph.D., Associate Professor Alexander Vlasov. In 2001, the Department received the name "Department of Telecommunications." From 2004 to 2007 it was managed by PhD, Professor Michael E. Artemenko, From 2007 to 2014  Ph.D., Associate Professor Bohdan Y. Zhurakovskyy and in 2014, Nataliia Korshun has become a Dean.

Now the department is part of the Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, which was established on December 20, 2005 according to the order № 898 of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine.

Among the activities of the students of the faculty - the structure and technology of transport networks and access networks, the design, operation and maintenance of modern communication systems, research and measurement lines, including optical fiber, construction and technical operation of modern mobile and wireless communications and digital television, radio and the methods of radio frequency management.

Training and research work at the Faculty is conducted by highly qualified specialists who have extensive research and profile teaching experience.

Faculty Laboratories equipped with modern telecommunication equipment, so students can get the knowledge and skills most relevant to future employers.

Training of specialists in the faculty is in the following areas:

  • Construction and technical operation of integrated digital communications system of  Ukraine;
  • Design and maintenance of digital transmission systems based on multiplex technology;
  • Structure and principle of operation of the Internet;
  • Development of technologies SDH, XDSL, DWDM, IP, ATM;
  • Improving technology, research methods and measurement of fiber-optic communication lines;
  • Construction and technical operation of modern mobile and wireless communications and digital television;
  • Mastering the techniques of radio and radio frequency management.
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Management of faculty

Dean of faculty
PhD of technical Sciences, 
Natalіia Korshun

Contact information

Ukraine, 03110, Kyiv
Solomjanska str., 7
Phone +38 044 249-25-85

Faculty Dean's office
Phone +38 044 249-25-78

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