State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "MOBILE"
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
News in which occurs: "MOBILE"
Starting from monday, 31.10.2016, students will have opportunity to use Telegram`s bot, which can show academic group`s schedule. Firstly, you need to search bot with @DuttyBot username, then click on «Start» button. Anyway, if you..
11:56, 28-10-2016
Staff of the department of Mobile and video information technologies persistently working to strengthen the practical component of the curriculum and prepare of students and confirmation of their professional competencies through by international cer..
15:24, 26-09-2016
The quality of professional training in the field of mobile communications determines the future of technologies. This shows the great importance of education in this direction. Universities and colleges prepare Specialists in the area of wireless br..
13:55, 14-06-2016
The dynamics of the development of modern mobile radio technology for transmitting multimedia information relevant requirements put forward to the graduates of the specialty Equipment of radio broadcasting and television educational qualification of ..
12:47, 25-05-2016
In modern world wireless and mobile communications are developing so rapidly that changes occur in them in a relatively short period of time. Humanity is moving to a new level of mobile communication and transmission of information, which means that ..
14:18, 18-05-2016
The quality of professional training in the field of mobile telecommunications largely determine the future of technology. And it says a lot about the importance of education in this area. Specialists in wireless technologies and digital television g..
14:05, 12-05-2016
For more than 4 years, the owners of smartphones use the VoIP application Viber. The service works on all popular platforms: Android, BlackBerry OS, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phone, Bada. Viber itself tightens rooms with address book. With it you can ..
16:46, 24-04-2016
According to this specialization specialists are formed on the leading edge technologies of mobile communication and high-speed Internet access, interactive television, mobile television and Internet-television for the cellular operators «MTS U..
15:20, 13-04-2016
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) produced the mobile version of the datacenter platform of security for SecureData. A new platform uses the tool of encipherement of HPE Format based on industry standards - Preserving Encryption.
10:10, 12-03-2016
A company VMware extends a collaboration with Intel Security on development of joint decisions for customers on the base of platform of AirWatch by VMware Enterprise Mobility Management.
14:22, 22-01-2016
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