State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Prestige specialization: mobile telecommunications and digital television system

14:18, 18-05-2016

In modern world wireless and mobile communications are developing so rapidly that changes occur in them in a relatively short period of time. Humanity is moving to a new level of mobile communication and transmission of information, which means that ahead of wireless communications and multimedia technologies many changes. The demand of these innovative technologies and solutions in modern society and their active development give rise to the demand for qualified professionals. Today IKT-sphere is very attractive for investors, so it is actively developing business, and there are new companies, which means that jobs are more and more.

The quality of professional training in the field of wireless communications and computer professional multimedia systems largely determines the future of technology. This shows the great importance of education in this direction. Specialists in the field of information technology and wireless communications released universities and colleges. They offer a variety of training courses, specialties and profiles.

In The State University of Telecommunications at the Department of radio technologies is carried out training on the latest technologies to provide mobile multimedia services to wireless terminals (tablets, smartphones, and other intelligent computer a new generation of devices) on specialization "Mobile telecommunications and digital television systems." Primary post graduates of this specialty:

  • Engineer of radio and television tools
  • Engineer of implementing and operating the latest mobile and wireless networks
  • Technical specialist with the video and audio editing
  • Technical Support Engineer with mobile and wireless networking equipment.

To begin to contribute to the development of wireless communications student of the University of specialization may be more during study: here, there are many areas for scientific activities. For example, students of the University on the basis of high information and communication technologies of the Center at the Department of studying radio technology:

  • New horizons of mobile subscriber and innovation LTE-devices;
  • terminal equipment for LTE networks and LTE-Advanced; small cell for LTE networks; ways to increase the next generation mobile network bandwidth; the possibility of LTE networks for M2M (machine-to-machine) and D2D (device-to-device)-solutions;
  • Portable multimedia computer system;
  • Transmitting wireless radio communication systems and broadcasting systems;
  • Digital television technology and videoinformatika;
  • The quality and management of mobile services of new generation networks.

All these areas largely determine whether modern society is to develop further. Therefore, students who study in the field of wireless technologies as self-education in this area is particularly valuable today.

The life of modern man is so closely associated with wireless communications and information technology,that the future seems impossible without their existence. However, futurists say that some jobs in the ICT sphere will lose its relevance, but at the same time there will be new professions.

Experts have identified trends in the IT sector, in which new experts will appear. Among them:

  • a virtual reality;
  • cloud technologies;
  • IT in education;
  • "Smart" city;
  • "Internet of things".

So, as we can see in the future wireless communication and information technologies will be closely intertwined with many other activities. And we will see a pairing of the real and virtual worlds, reality and the appearance of more intelligent interactive environments.

May 17 marked World Information Society Day. This day is a professional holiday of all those working in the field of telecommunications and information technologies. The purpose of this international celebration is to promote greater awareness of the possibilities that can bring to societies and economies the use of the Internet and information and communication technologies.

The staff of the department of radio technology of the State University of Telecommunications congratulate you! Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes you good health, success in your activities, new achievements and creative enthusiasm, bright and joyful events!

The head of the department of Radio technologies
Sayko Volodymyr Hrygorovych Doctor of technical science, professor of the Department of Radio technologies
(044) 249-25-04

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