State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "telecommunications"
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Study
News in which occurs: "telecommunications"
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine State University of Information and Communication Technologies Department of telecommunication systems and networks The Department of Telecommunication Systems and Networks of the State Univer..
14:23, 14-02-2024
Researchers at the University of California San Diego have demonstrated the world's first laser based on an unconventional wave physics phenomenon called bound states in the continuum. The technology could revolutionize the development of surface..
08:29, 31-01-2017
Let me introduce the report on the organization of courses: «Training of specialists in administration of IBM AIX» Course Leader: Liskovskii Igor Teachers: Rohovyi Vitalii Podrushnyak Volodymyr Lectures supplemented by practic..
10:35, 26-12-2016
Congratulations to the newly elected leaders of the Student Council of the State University of Telecommunications; December 8 elections were held Head of Student Council of the University and student councils heads of departments of Teleco..
09:34, 09-12-2016
November 3, 2016 the scientific-technical conference of students Educational-scientific Institute of Telecommunications and Information Introducing IT The conference was attended by students of the Educational-scientific Institute of Telecommuni..
10:39, 21-11-2016
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine State University of Telecommunications Scientific and technical conference of students Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information Getting IT November 3, 2016 The ai..
10:15, 22-10-2016
25 June 2016 at the State University of telecommunications was held the graduation of students of day form of education. The teaching staff of the Department of mathematics congratulates the graduates on the successful completion of training and wish..
11:58, 29-06-2016
May 19, 2016 in absentia held mode II International Scientific Conference of students and youthWorld of information and telecommunications. The conference was attended by students, postgraduates and young scientists from all educational and re..
16:24, 24-05-2016
The event was attended by 4 teams teams institutes and faculties: The door over there (NNIZI) Nitsche so (NNIMP) Tom Jones (FTC NNITI) Cheerful prosecutor (FIT NNITI). This year's game, as ever, was filled with bright emotions, funny jok..
10:51, 24-05-2016
In modern world wireless and mobile communications are developing so rapidly that changes occur in them in a relatively short period of time. Humanity is moving to a new level of mobile communication and transmission of information, which means that ..
14:18, 18-05-2016
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