State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

May 17 at the State University of Telecommunications held a long-awaited event - KVN competitions

10:51, 24-05-2016

The event was attended by 4 teams teams institutes and faculties:

  • "The door over there" (NNIZI)
  • "Nitsche so" (NNIMP)
  • "Tom Jones" (FTC NNITI)
  • "Cheerful prosecutor" (FIT NNITI).

 This year's game, as ever, was filled with bright emotions, funny jokes and good music. Participants gave us unforgettable moments of laughter and, one might say, happiness. The fight was surprisingly equivalent and the jury long to determine the winner.

The results are all waiting with bated breath, because no one until recently did not know who all the same this year, will receive the grand prize - the Cup of Rector. But the jury is distributed among the teams surprised everyone. This year there was not a fourth or third place. Students showed a good level so acting, humor and creativity that the assessment team "The door over there" and "Nietzsche as" finished second, and the winners were "Merry Attorney" and "Tom Jones."

Also, the jury selected the winners in the following categories:

  • "Best Actress" - Vovkovinskaya Tatiana, NNIMP;
  • "Best Actor" - Protasenko Constantine NNIZI;
  • "KVNschik year" - Mykola Melnichenko, FIT NNITI;
  • "Discovery of the Year" - Igor Sorochenko, FTC NNITI.

We congratulate all participants and wish them creative inspiration.

 Already we are waiting for your jokes in the next year!

To the applicant

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