State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Section: University
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: The Scientific Council
News in which occurs: "search"
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine State University of Telecommunications Scientific and technical conference of students Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information Getting IT November 3, 2016 The ai..
10:15, 22-10-2016
21 September at State University of Telecommunications the Kyiv Technical Lyceum pupils conducted research work using laboratory installation of the Physics Department. Students were made following studies: Determining the moment of inertia of..
14:00, 23-09-2016
May 24, 2016 at the Department of informative and defended cyber security of masters research students of the Research Institute of correspondence and distance learning in Safety information and switching systems. All students of BSZM-71 successfully..
11:12, 26-05-2016
Looking for a job? It is also looking for you! May 23 at 11:45 in the assembly hall will be the presentation of vacancies PrivatBank. For students of graduating courses will be presented a set of vacancies in different directions! If you..
21:11, 20-05-2016
​ The feeling of security makes people careless Alexandre Dumas February 24 in the conference hall of the State University of Telecommunications initiated by the Student Council of the Faculty of Information Technology held a lecture on Safe..
10:48, 15-03-2016
An interesting discovery was made in the Georgia Institute of Technology: In case of emergency people are very much trusted to robots, even if the past mistakes and give instructions not quite logical.
08:34, 15-03-2016
February 24 at 13.00 in the conference room will be a lecture on the theme Safe Search and browser settings for convenient work on the Internet. You will learn how to use the extensions using a browser and via which programs use the Internet safely. ..
10:05, 23-02-2016
Apple, got $ 1 billion from Google in 2014, according to the transcript of the court hearing in the case against Oracle Google, reports Bloomberg. The companies signed an agreement under which the manufacturer pays the search engine iPhone percent..
09:06, 24-01-2016
17 and 19 November 2015 were conducted lectures and practical training sessions conducted by a specially invited representative from the company SearchInform. Classes were aimed at improving knowledge of the software system Contour Information Se..
16:07, 26-11-2015
17 and 19 November 2015 were conducted lectures and practical training sessions conducted by a specially invited representative from the company SearchInform. Classes were aimed at improving knowledge of the software system Contour Information Se..
15:45, 26-11-2015
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