State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


08:34, 15-03-2016

An interesting discovery was made in the Georgia Institute of Technology: In case of emergency people are very much trusted to robots, even if the past mistakes and give instructions not quite logical.

During the experiment, forty-two students had to go behind a bright multi-colored car with the words "emergency robot explorer." His task was to carry out the participants in a conference room to fill out questionnaires about cars and love to journal articles.

Some students spent the robot is not in the room or reeling them circles before to bring to the meeting room. In the process he does not just stop the movement, and the experimenter reported malfunction.

When the doors were closed in the room, the hallway was filled with artificial smoke, activating the fire alarm. Robot at this time was illuminated red LED and began to show the way to the wrong door.

Logically, if the car showed its unreliability and make mistakes, then it is not necessary to believe. But without exception participants in the experiment for some reason listened to her.

Scientists have suggested that the robot trusted because of an emergency. But even when the car was volunteer in a dark room, the entrance to which overlaps the furniture, the students mindlessly listening to her instructions.

Experimenters have yet to figure out what caused this trust to the malfunctioning robot.

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