State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "first"
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Study
News in which occurs: "first"
For the first time in history at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the International Consumer Electronics Show, held annually in Las Vegas, will be organized by Ukrainian section. Ukrainian association of venture capital and p..
10:40, 13-10-2016
16 August 2016, China successfully launched the world's first satellite quantum communication
12:05, 29-08-2016
During the study of the Software Engineering course, first-year students learned modern project management methodology for flexible software development: Extreme Programming, DSDM, Scrum, FDD, Agile. Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile sof..
14:06, 14-06-2016
Students of undergraduate Education and Research Institute of Information Protection completed all preparations for the trip to the Summer School, Tempus
16:28, 13-06-2016
May 16, 2016 was the first wave of protection course projects by students of UBD-31. According to the preliminary plan of protection were presented five works. General themes of works were devoted to the programming language Java. According to reg..
10:38, 20-05-2016
May 24 at 13:30 in the conference hall of the State University of Telecommunications will be held the final lecture of 10 to 10 domain book Shon Harris Operating Security. Speaker– a man, who knowledgeable in Information Security, a man who ..
11:07, 19-05-2016
According to the curricular for the course “Mobile networks” two lectures for the students at the chair of Radiotechnologies with the State University of Telecommunications have been given in English. This has happened for the very fir..
13:38, 28-03-2016
On the first day of spring debuted two smartphones Vivo Xplay 5, among which, as previously most interesting model Ultimate Edition, which became the world's first phone with six gigabytes of RAM. Among its features - a top 820 Snapdragon process..
13:11, 10-03-2016
25 February, 2016 in the State university of telecommunications within the framework of collaboration with a company « BMS Consulting » the first competitions took place from informative safety among the students of Educational-scientific..
14:03, 04-03-2016
The March 2, 2016, held its first meeting of the scientific circle "Satellite telecommunications", which was held by Bakaras Vyacheslav Leonidovich.
15:14, 03-03-2016
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