State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The first club meeting of "Satellite telecommunications"

15:14, 03-03-2016

The March 2, 2016, held its first meeting of the scientific circle "Satellite telecommunications", which was held by Bakaras Vyacheslav Leonidovich.

Students had the opportunity to look at real examples of what works engineer of satellite communication.

They also learned the rules of installation, settings and proper placement of the antenna on various surfaces.

Student scientific circle visit:

1. Klus B. V. – TSD-31;

2. Tahtay V. A. – TSD-31;

3. Moldovan V. A. – TSD-31;

4. Bondarenko S. A. – TSD-31;

5. Zayats V. M. – MD-32;

6. Orlenko V. Y. – KSD-21;

7. Shirmu V.V. – TSD-12.

Head of scientific group – Vlasenko Gennadyi Nikolaevich, candidate of sciences, associate professor.

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