State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "MODERN"
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
News in which occurs: "MODERN"
On May 31, 2016 the Third Scientific Conference of students and young scientists of Information Technology (Modern infocommucation technology) was held where 46 students with bachelor `s degree of the specialty Telecommunications and Compute..
08:50, 07-07-2016
will be held in Kiev in Ukraine is already the second forum ynnovatsyonnыh technology InnoTech Ukraine 2016
09:10, 15-03-2016
18 -20 November 2015 at the State University of Telecommunications International scientific-practical conference Modern information and telecommunications technology. was held. During the conference, members of the department were able to communicate..
20:02, 29-11-2015
Ministry of Education and Science of UkraineState University of Telecommunications International Scientific-Technical Conference «The Modern Information-Telecommunication Technologies Invitation» 17-20 November 2015 You are in..
11:11, 05-11-2015
On October 22, 2015 Associate Professor of Applied Programming Department Skubak A.N. visited the exhibition Innovation in modern education - 2015. During the exhibition, talks on organizing meetings with the graduates and their parents were held and..
18:46, 25-10-2015

29–30 of September 2015 in XXV International Scientific Conference “Economy and modern technology ” Nataliya Dubovyk published the theses “Liberal democracy or “corporate enclave” ?”

13:28, 22-10-2015
October 6, 2015 at the State University of Telecommunications Department space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications held scientific and practical seminar Modern space technology is dedicated to the 58 anniversary of the launch of Sp..
13:19, 13-10-2015
22.10.2015 Webinar will take place on a theme: the «Modern management by registration records and access». On the Webinar there will be take questions: Management task by registration records and access, Traditional going near her ..
10:37, 09-10-2015
22.10.2015 Webinar will take place on a theme: the «Modern management by registration records and access». On the Webinar there will be take questions: Management task by registration records and access, Traditional going near her ..
10:35, 09-10-2015
We invite you to participate in the International Scientific ConferenceActual problems of modern science city Kyiv, 30-31 May 2015 To participate in the conference are invited scholars, applicants degrees, practitioners, teachers and university s..
13:28, 27-05-2015
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