State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


09:10, 15-03-2016

11-12 March 2016 in Kyiv will take place in Ukraine for the second forum of innovative technologies InnoTech Ukraine 2016. It will unite on the platform of all participants of the market of innovations: the producer and the end user, developer and project start-up investor, the idea and its subsequent implementation, as well as draw the attention of government agencies to the need for development of the sphere of innovations.

The event will be available with advanced technologies such as robots and robotics, 3D-printers-and 3D-scanners, smart gadgets, and equipment for the smart home tech and other innovative new products.

The initiator of the forum - the company Smile-Expo - a leader in the organization of activities that contribute to the development of innovative technologies and electronic communications.

Participants of the event will be the company's advanced, talented developers and all those who initiates the introduction of new technological achievements in all spheres of our lives.

InnoTech Ukraine unique forum will be divided into five thematic areas:

• 3D-Printing

• Robotics

• Smart technologies

• Health care

• Education

Each report will be presented interesting speakers who are invited to the event organizers.

For two days, the company Smile-Expo will delight all of its participants a rich program of activities:

•        Conference

• Professional dialogue Speed ​​dealing

• Demo-zone

• Children's workshops

In addition, the organizers have prepared a lot of interesting surprises for visitors.

Forum InnoTech Ukraine - it is more than thirty speakers, as well as start-up projects and extensive Demozone, which will be available with the most advanced developments in digital technology.

This year, the Smile-Expo promises to make the forum more interesting, richer and more informative. At the event there was a place for both the old and new members.

Create a technological future of Ukraine together with us on the InnoTech Ukraine in 2016.

We wait for you on March 11-12 in Kyiv. Come - it will be interesting!

To view the events program and invited speakers on the official Forum website:

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