State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "protection"
News in which occurs: "protection"
Dear students! November 30 at 13:30 in the conference hall of the University held an opened seminar on the theme Actual issues of cybersecurity, timed to the Day of protection of information. Today, cyber security is growing rapidly, and every ..
14:01, 24-11-2016
June 21, 2016 at the Department of informative and cyber security defended bachelor diploma students of the fourth year of BAN-41 Educational and Research Institute data protection. All students successfully defended their work and qualified exper..
15:17, 23-06-2016
Students groups KSD-41 and KSD-42 successfully defended their bachelor's thesis. Head of Department of System analysis Assoc. Brailovsky Nikolay Nikolaevich emphasized excellent protection comprehensive the diploma work done by students Kapust..
10:18, 17-06-2016
May 24, 2016 at the Department of informative and defended cyber security of masters research students of the Research Institute of correspondence and distance learning in Safety information and switching systems. All students of BSZM-71 successfully..
11:12, 26-05-2016
Guidelines forthe implementationand protection ofbachelorthesis Attestationworkmust havea bachelorvolume of50-60pages of main text(introduction,chapters, conclusion) Date of assignmentApril 4, 2016 Delivery dateofthe deanMay 31, 2016 Topicsap..
10:25, 11-04-2016
June 02-03th 2016 in the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" will held V International Scientific Conference "Information protection and security of information systems."
14:18, 29-03-2016
A company Dell presented the update version of leader decision for the protection of data of NetVault Backup 11. Possibilities of product are plugged in itself: manager on development of clients on Windows, that gives an opportunity of remote sta..
13:48, 10-02-2016
OSHA published a list of 10 of the most common disorders in the field of occupational health in 2015 fiscal year (1.10.2014- In the first place, as before, are in violation of "fall protection".
13:49, 21-01-2016
Information for students 7 year ( professionals NNIZDN )
From 16.12.2015r. on 22.12.2015r .
There will be a protection degree works (projects )!

Schedule posted on the website and notice board of the University 1st floor

10:42, 02-12-2015
The national operator of cloudy services De Novo presents the new favour of Veeam Cloud Repository. Cloudy Repository of backups gives an opportunity the users of Veeam BackupReplication not only to keep backups in Cloud but also provide rapid renewa..
13:31, 26-11-2015
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