State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Educational disciplines

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Educational disciplines

Бажаєте дізнаватись про особливості вступу у 2024 році?
Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "125 Кібербезпека" кафедри Управління інформаційною та кібернетичною безпекою та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

Preparation of educational qualifying level «Bachelor» 6.170103

1. Basics of national security

2. IS of the state

3. The software IS state

4. Forecasting and simulation in the social sphere

5. Information support of management activity

6. Personnel management

7. Risk theory

8. Organizational information security

9. Management of information security

10. The system of protection of state secrets

11. Organization of special proceedings

12. Introduction to specialty

13. Informational confrontation

14. Technologies of safety management in financial and economic sphere

15. Methods of detection and registration of informational security threats

16. Methods of analysis and synthesis of security policies

17. Economic safety of enterprise activity

18. Simulation of the processes of information security management

Preparation of educational qualifying level «Bachelor» 6.170103

1.  Technology support and decision making

2. The Information security risk management

3. Information security audit

4. Management of Information security incidents

5. Informational and analytical activity in the sphere of Information security

6. Modern technologies of safety management information networks

7. Methods to assess and respond to threats to Information security

8. Bases of scientific researches and organization of science

9. Factors for successful employment

10. Methodical apparatus of management effectiveness evaluations of Information security


Preparation of educational qualifying level «Master» 8.17010301

1. Pedagogy and methods of teaching in higher school

2. Technology support and decision making

3. The information security risk management

4. Information security audit

5. Management of information security incidents

6. Informational and analytical activity in the sphere of information security

7. Methods and technologies of management of safety of information networks

8. Methods to assess and predict threats to information security

9. Bases of scientific researches and organization of science

10. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of information security management

Анкета вступника
Заповніть анкету та отримайте персональну консультацію від завідуючого кафедрою
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Натискаючи на кнопку "Отримати консультацію", ви даєте згоду на обробку персональних даних та погоджуєтеся з політикою конфіденційності.

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