State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "agree"
Section: University
Section: The Scientific Council
Section: Study
Section: «The Modern Information-Telecommunication Technologies Invitation»
Section: Work with students
Section: Work with students
News in which occurs: "agree"
In order to enhance public oversight and public control over observance of legislation on employers of industrial safety, occupational safety, health, labor legislation, employment, compulsory state social insurance of State Service of Ukraine on Lab..
13:08, 30-06-2016
April 5, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise State Information Resources Center signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information ..
11:58, 15-04-2016
March 28, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise Ukrainian Special Systems signed. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information and cyber security. Combining educational, scientific ..
10:20, 08-04-2016
March 28, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise Ukrainian Special Systems signed. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information and cyber security. Combining educational, scientific ..
13:23, 07-04-2016
On October 22, 2015 an agreement on cooperation between the State University of Telecommunications and LLC EPAM Systems was signed. EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM), also known as EPAM, is a global provider of software engineering and IT consulting..
16:09, 25-10-2015
October 14, 2014 signed the Agreement between the State University of Telecommunications and Lyceum Goloseevskij № 241 The subject of the agreement is a joint activity, which is to implement the objectives of the State of the national program ..
12:35, 16-10-2014
October 10, 2014 an agreement was signed between the National Space Agency of Ukraine and the State University of Telecommunications on cooperation in space activities. The Agreement is a partnership between the National Space Agency of Ukra..
12:16, 16-10-2014
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