State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "Technical"
Section: University
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Science
Section: The Scientific Council
News in which occurs: "Technical"
November 3, 2016 the scientific-technical conference of students Educational-scientific Institute of Telecommunications and Information Introducing IT The conference was attended by students of the Educational-scientific Institute of Telecommuni..
10:39, 21-11-2016
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine State University of Telecommunications Scientific and technical conference of students Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information Getting IT November 3, 2016 The ai..
10:15, 22-10-2016
21 September at State University of Telecommunications the Kyiv Technical Lyceum pupils conducted research work using laboratory installation of the Physics Department. Students were made following studies: Determining the moment of inertia of..
14:00, 23-09-2016
June 6 during a visit of representatives of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. State University of Telecommunications delegation inspected the training laboratories of the department of Radio technologies. Head of Department Professor V. Saiko acquainted C..
13:59, 09-06-2016
April 5, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise State Information Resources Center signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information ..
11:58, 15-04-2016
March 28, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise Ukrainian Special Systems signed. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information and cyber security. Combining educational, scientific ..
10:20, 08-04-2016
March 28, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise Ukrainian Special Systems signed. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information and cyber security. Combining educational, scientific ..
13:23, 07-04-2016
March 16, 2016 there was a planned event scientific group Ukrainian historical science: research methodology (supervisor: Associate Professor, Ph.D. S.A.Dmytruk) Department of Sociology and Humanities Education and Scientific Institute of Management ..
11:31, 23-03-2016
On the SDS the Department of the state University of telecommunications, scientific and educational purposes, expanded program-technical complex of key certification center CryptoKDC, provided by the AUTHOR. The open company AUTHOR is one of the l..
14:11, 22-03-2016
Due to a collaboration with Private enterprise «RIAS» the material base of Information security sytems department was filled up by new devices. Emitter acoustic «РІАС-2ВА» Emitter piezoelectric «РІАС-2ВП» ..
13:48, 25-02-2016
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