State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "PARTNER"
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information security
Section: University
News in which occurs: "PARTNER"
July 7, 2016 marks the 16 anniversary of the founding of the company PJSC "Datagroup".
10:15, 07-07-2016
25 and May 26, 2016 took place the last two in this academic year, the seminar from the company «CyberBionic systematics».
17:09, 12-06-2016
This academic year, the Department conducted negotiations with leading companies in the field of satellite telecommunications, such as: 1.Tooway UA - the first national operator, which specializes in connecting to the satellite two-way wireless (s..
09:57, 02-06-2016
One of the leading national operators in the market of telecommunication services of Ukraine company Datagroup. Since the Foundation in 2000, the company became a significant player on the market of telecommunication technologies. From 1 June 2015..
13:26, 25-05-2016
On Monday, 04/11/2016, at 14-00 in the hall for conferences State University of Telecommunications held a trilateral meeting of BMS Consulting, Director of Infopulse GmbH and students of the Education-science institute of information security. Dur..
14:54, 20-04-2016
This week, a meeting of head of the department Physics of the State University of Telecommunications (SUT) Liskovsky I. with the Head of REL EBG Department Lenovo Gokunem O. company at the meeting discussed the development and modernization of the ..
18:45, 06-02-2016
A company VMware extends a collaboration with Intel Security on development of joint decisions for customers on the base of platform of AirWatch by VMware Enterprise Mobility Management.
14:22, 22-01-2016
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Octava Capital Alexander Kardakov to 14 December 2015 took over as CEO of the company Datagroup, the leading national telecom operator in the telecommunications market and partner of the department for cooperation..
12:24, 28-12-2015
Within the framework of the International scientific and technical conference «Modern information and і telecommunication technologies», that passed in the State university of telecommunications, 18-19 of November in 2015, the technical e..
13:35, 26-11-2015
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