State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Congratulations to our partners!

10:15, 07-07-2016

July 7, 2016 marks the 16 anniversary of the founding of the company PJSC "Datagroup".

Over the years of diligent work, the company has achieved considerable success and developed to world standards.

PJSC "Datagroup", a leading it company, leader in the market of telecommunication services on the territory of Ukraine and countries of Europe and Asia!

One of the priority directions of the company, is the monitoring of service quality and the social orientation of the projects.

June 1, 2016 marks the anniversary of cooperation of the State University of telecommunications PJSC "Datagroup".

results of this cooperation are the following:

1. The company's participation in the creation and improvement of training-material base: the antenna field with the existing terminals and educational layouts satellite Internet of different technologies;

2. Production and pre-diploma practice at PJSC "Datagroup", with certificates obtained on the level of qualification. Certificates were also awarded to 32 students;

3. Regular informative and educational excursions for students, with the purpose of meeting the technological process of the company PJSC "Datagroup", and possible future place of work;

4. Employment of students and graduates of the University;

5. Participation in conferences, competitions, trainings;

6. Systematic contact to discuss future plans of cooperation.

Feature of cooperation is the fact that in 2015, the 11 employees of PJSC "Datagroup" chose State University of telecommunications for higher education.

We wish the entire team success, creative ideas, good mood, professional growth and the realization of all your desires!

Let the company develops, clients will be happy, rising profits, and services are in demand!

About the department

To the applicant

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