State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Partnerships with companies in satellite technologies

09:57, 02-06-2016

This academic year, the Department conducted negotiations with leading companies in the field of satellite telecommunications, such as:

1. Tooway UA - the first national operator, which specializes in connecting to the satellite two-way wireless (satellite Ka-Sat 9E) physical and legal entities in Ukraine;

2. State Enterprise "Broadcasting, Radio and Television" - state operator of broadcasting, microwave and satellite communication.

Eutelsat - Holding company stock company Eutelsat S.A., a leading satellite operator in Europe, one of the three world's leading providers of fixed satellite services.

Discussed the following issues:

  1. Training for training scientific teaching staff;
  2. Practice of students in the enterprise;
  3. development of training materials for different types of classes.
  4. Conducting educational tourism for students with educational purpose;
  5. The participation of students and teachers in competition of professional installers;
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