State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

77% of users no longer use the application after three days after installation

11:42, 10-03-2016

The operating system is useless without a huge variety of applications. A good example - Windows 10 Mobile, in a store that Instagram is still in the status of Beta. Applications should always pay special attention, which is why today we want to share with you information, which kindly provided us with colleagues from andrewchen.

How often do you download the app? Typically, a couple of new applications on your smartphone finds its place, but for how long? According to Silicon Valley analyst Andrew Chan, an average of 77% of users refuse to use the application after only 72 hours after installation. After 30 days of the application cease to use the 90% of users. After a period of three months - 95%.

The figures are not impressive. Furthermore, only 5% of downloaded applications continue to please its users. These include the application of 5%, without which people can not imagine a normal everyday use of the device. Under the parameters of social networks such applications are excellent, instant messengers: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Twitter, Facebook; that is, everything that we use on a daily basis.

Chen analyzed using 125 million units, and all the applications that have come under analysis, are available on Google Play and have more than 10 thousand downloads. Of special mention is the fact that Andrew did not use Google applications, as in this case, the analysis is not entirely honest.

"People are trying a variety of applications and decide on what they are willing to give up, for 3-7 days ... The key to success - to hook the user during this short period," - Ankit Jane

If we take, for example, I was on my devices permanently installed social networks apps, translators, advanced calculators, instant messengers, image editors, and news applications, such as news or Meduza, that is all that can be useful to me in Everyday life. Selecting applications that will remain on your device, depending on the nature of your business. If you are a builder, for sure your favorite applications will "level" and "line", music lovers will appreciate the high quality music applications, such as PowerAMP.

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