State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Scientists: lessons for standing desks make students smarter

13:49, 11-02-2016

Psychologists have found that a class of so-called stand-up desks significantly raise the level of academic achievement and cognitive abilities of students, according to a paper published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

"Many teachers often said that pupils and students are better behaved and more focused on their studies when they are, rather than sitting at their desks We conducted the first test of how to change the cognitive capacities of students in the transition to such parties.", - He stated Marc Benden (Mark Benden) from Texas A & M University in College Station (United States).

Benden and his colleagues confirmed that such parties do improve mental abilities and improve learning ability of students, watching the work of the brain of several dozen volunteers from the University first-year students with a special infra-red spectroscopy.

This device, like the scientists explain, help them keep track of which regions of the brain in the anterior lobe of the cerebral hemispheres were particularly active during different activities, using special tags that are glued to the forehead in front of students experiments.

"Test results have shown that the constant use of standing desks were associated with a significant improvement in working memory functioning students and their ability to solve problems of all these changes were reflected in their brain activity." - Adds lead author Ranjan Mehta (Ranjana Mehta).

According to Mehta, in subsequent experiments, she and her team will check whether the standing desks impact on student achievement in the same way, and try to figure out whether they should move to these tables.

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