State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Research activities

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Research activities

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "122 Комп’ютерні науки" кафедри Комп’ютерних наук та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

The pace and level of scientific and technical, economic progress, the rapid change of technology and technology in the field of communications, identify needs in specialists with different levels of educational qualification. The staff of the Department directs the work to provide practical training of bachelors, specialists, masters, postgraduate students, search of new effective forms of training, improvement and orientation of educational process on the formation of an educated, well-balanced personality, capable of continuous updating of knowledge, professional mobility.

Every year scientific-pedagogical staff, postgraduate students are assigned to the Department, graduate and senior students take part in research work. The selected direction of scientific research is directly connected with a direction of scientific-research works, conducted at the State University of telecommunications. Scientific-pedagogical staff of the Department also prepares students for participation in all-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works on technical Sciences.

Main topics of research work in recent years: "Increasing energy and qualitative indicators amplifiers wired radio communication devices", "Estimation of the sensitivity of systems far from differential communication and compensation of parametric perturbations", "Synthesis of structures extrapolate devices and communication systems", "Vector synthesis of telecommunication networks, systems of management of telecommunications networks", "Experimental-analytical method to calculate the number of levels in the hierarchy of network synchronization," “Study of modern methods of control of information systems on the basis of forecasting".

Also, the Department held the post-graduate students, scientific specialists of the highest qualification in the specialties of telecommunication systems and networks, radio devices and means of telecommunications. Graduates of postgraduate have the opportunity to defend thesis in the specialized councils of the University. The Department closely cooperates with the enterprises of the industry, together with Ukrainian research Institute of communications, JSC „Ukrtelekom”, JSC „InfoCom”, Scientific center of the company «Watson-Telecom», LLC «Cites», which has a positive effect on training specialists in communications and their practical activity on production in conditions of market relations.

The lecturers of the Department regularly publish their scientific articles, abstracts, presentations and reports at the scientific-theoretical, scientific-technical seminars, conferences, scientific-methodical conferences of Educational-scientific Institute of telecommunications and Informatization State University of telecommunications and international scientific conferences.

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