State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "visited"
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
News in which occurs: "visited"
March 16, 2016 there was a planned event scientific group Ukrainian historical science: research methodology (supervisor: Associate Professor, Ph.D. S.A.Dmytruk) Department of Sociology and Humanities Education and Scientific Institute of Management ..
11:31, 23-03-2016
Students visited the conference «UISGCON 11»
13:15, 10-12-2015
The meeting with teachers and senior pupils was held in the warm and friendly atmosphere. Employees of the university department presented our university, told the pupils about the qualification levels (bachelor, magister), possible forms of educatio..
10:07, 01-12-2014
Lecturers of Department for Management and Business-Modeling Kovshova І.О., Burbelo N.О. And students visited the exhibition of advertising and marketing«REX». As «mystery visitors» students evaluated the participants of th..
12:09, 27-10-2014
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