State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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News in which occurs: "topic"
Training on the topic: Information Security Specialist Dear students! December 14 at 13:30 in the conference hall of the University Student Council Teaching - Research Institute of information security will provide training on the theme: Inform..
15:23, 12-12-2016
Dear students! October 12 at 13:30 in the conference hall of the University held a training on the topicThe correct setting and achieving goals, which is prepared for you Student Council Teaching and Research Institute for the protection of inform..
11:40, 10-10-2016
11:33, 15-09-2016
On Friday, April 29 at 13:30 in the Conference Hall of the University will be a lecture on the topic Application Security by the Scientific Society of Training and Research Institute of information security. Speaker - Misevich Catherine, Head of t..
16:24, 26-04-2016
March 23, 2016 at the session hall parliamentary hearings were held of the Supreme Council on the topic Ways of development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine in terms of decentralization of power. The participants of the hearings, it was note..
13:48, 28-03-2016
March 4th, 2016 third-year student of the Department of Information Security Management (Group UBD-31) was issued threads term projects in the frames of discipline Simulation processes of information security management. It was also announced rules a..
10:01, 12-03-2016
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