State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "representatives"
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
News in which occurs: "representatives"
Dear students! November 25 at 11:20 at the conference hall of the University will meet representatives of the company VOLIA with the students of the State University of Telecommunications. VOLIA is a leading Ukrainian national telecommunication..
15:25, 24-11-2016
On Monday, 04/11/2016, at 14-00 in the hall for conferences State University of Telecommunications held a trilateral meeting of BMS Consulting, Director of Infopulse GmbH and students of the Education-science institute of information security. Dur..
14:54, 20-04-2016
This week, two meetings head of the department Physics of the State University of Telecommunications (SUT) Liskovskiy I.O. with representatives of CISCO and Alcatel Lucent Enterprise companies. The meeting focused on the use of these companies range ..
11:26, 29-02-2016
This week, a meeting of head of the department Physics of the State University of Telecommunications (SUT) Liskovskogo I.O. with the deputy director of the Partners of NEWTEST Guk V.N. The meeting focused on the launch of a pilot project of a ..
19:53, 12-02-2016
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