State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The meeting of representatives of "VOLIA" University students

15:25, 24-11-2016

Dear students!

November 25 at 11:20 at the conference hall of the University will meet representatives of the company "VOLIA" with the students of the State University of Telecommunications.

"VOLIA" is a leading Ukrainian national telecommunications provider that provides modern telecommunication services: analog, digital, and interactive television HD- "VOLIA Smart HD», high-speed internet services and one of Ukraine's largest data centers.

Representatives present their internship program with subsequent employment.

The company "VOLIA" set itself a mission: "We open the world to our customers, providing access to the best sources of information, entertainment and communications.We believe that our success lies in our ability to bring permanent benefits to our clients, employees, investors and Ukraine as a whole.

So we create more high quality standards, providing a highly professional, innovative and reliable services. "

So welcome to the meeting and it is possible you will become part of a team of recognized experts in their field, have extensive experience and unique knowledge and skills that allows the company to continuously introduce innovative technical solutions.

For organizational issues please contact:
Head of Department of mobile and video informative technologies
PhD, professor
Saiko Vladimir

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