State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "practice"
Section: Study
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship
News in which occurs: "practice"
Distance learning - a special form of educational interaction of the teacher with the student. Studying remotely, it is possible to receive both the first and second degree.
15:19, 09-12-2016
19-20 May 2016 teachers of the department of Life Safety and health participated in the XV International scientific conference Safety of human life and activity - education, science and practice, which was held at the National Aviation University und..
10:48, 09-06-2016
The quality of professional training in the field of mobile telecommunications largely determine the future of technology. And it says a lot about the importance of education in this area. Specialists in wireless technologies and digital television g..
14:05, 12-05-2016
On 16 and 23 March 2016 defense of software engineering students' projects took place. Within a month, the students worked in teams using the SCRUM methodology. Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for man..
09:09, 27-03-2016
JSC Ukrtelecom provides students with technical skills courses 4,5,6 (telecommunications, radio) to undergo production and pre-diploma practice. To do this: - Fill in a form on the official website of the company; - Make a professional..
11:28, 24-03-2016
Parks as a natural environment are heterogeneous systems consisting of air and randomly distributed in space matter. It is also include a different shape, size and spatial orientation of the trunks, branches, leaves, needles, and so forth. Properties..
14:18, 23-03-2016
February the 8th began the practice, particularly in the first year students (UBD-11) Department of Information Security Management. Base practices of future specialists - the company Security, which is a leader in the distribution of means of protec..
12:21, 10-02-2016
PJSC Datagroup newly accepted students State University of Telecommunications on practice. This year 3rd year students of specialty Telecommunications and Information communication networks will pass an industrial practice with 08.02.16, 28.02.16 ..
15:36, 09-02-2016
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