State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "participation"
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Study
News in which occurs: "participation"
The team of the State University of Telecommunications “Avega” registered for participation in the Eleventh open international students programming contest named after Sergei Lebedev and Glushkov KPI-OPEN 2016 From 04 July to 9 July 20..
09:19, 15-06-2016
May 31, 2016 infocommunications Department particiЯкорьpated in the seminar of Nokia which was presented technologies and platforms that will solve the problem faced by operators and to improve the lives of people in the world.
15:31, 14-06-2016
Head of the Applied Programming Department Onyshchenko V.V. took part in the international conference «Fractality and Fractionality», 17-20 May 2016, Leiden (Netherlands).
13:15, 12-06-2016
19-20 May 2016 teachers of the department of Life Safety and health participated in the XV International scientific conference Safety of human life and activity - education, science and practice, which was held at the National Aviation University und..
10:48, 09-06-2016
May 30, 2016 students - participants of the competition of the State University of Telecommunications took part in the 10th (anniversary) Ukrainian contest “Professionals of the Future 2016”: Kryvorot Igor, IMD-41; Kononenko Vladislav..
11:51, 03-06-2016
May 19, 2016 teachers of the department of Life Safety and health participated in the All-practical conference Information and documentation of contemporary society, held the chair of documentation and information-analytical activity of the State Uni..
11:21, 26-05-2016
April 28, 2016 representatives of the department of management and business modeling prof.Tupkalo V., Associate Professor Zaplotinskaya B. and graduate student Koloshko I. took part in the VII International scientific-practical conference with inter..
12:55, 12-05-2016
the foreign students of the State University of Telecommunications took part in the conference "Foreign students in Ukraine" took place at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine March 24, 2016
11:42, 29-03-2016
On 12-13 December, 2015 the PD-21 students: Artem Palamarchuk, Kravchenko Anatoly Belov Anastasia, Julia Datsyuk, Sami Issa, Vitali Lyashenko under the supervision of the department assistant Eugene S. Tikhonov took part in the largest Hackathon in U..
12:45, 22-12-2015
On November 25 2015, postgraduate student of the applied programming dept Tikhonov E. presented his talk at the XII International scientific conference Theoretical and applied aspects of building software systems”, held at Kyiv Mohyla Academy. ..
20:45, 29-11-2015
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