State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "competition"
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
News in which occurs: "competition"
The event was attended by 4 teams teams institutes and faculties: The door over there (NNIZI) Nitsche so (NNIMP) Tom Jones (FTC NNITI) Cheerful prosecutor (FIT NNITI). This year's game, as ever, was filled with bright emotions, funny jok..
10:51, 24-05-2016
April 12, 2016 in the gym dormitory for students of State university of telecommunications competition held bench in two weight classes (up to 80kg after 80 kg). In the competition involved 13 participants who lifted the barbell weighing 70 kg. G..
16:37, 28-04-2016
Dear students! Student Council of the State University of Telecommunications invites you to participate in triathlon competitions to be held April 26 at 15:00 in the sports hall of our hostel. Power triathlon is not for everyone. Only athletes ..
15:30, 22-04-2016
Ukraine for the first time takes part in the international competition Hackathon pursued by NASA - Space Apps Challenge. The final stage will be held from 22 to 24 April on the basis of Kirovograd Flight Academy of NAU.
10:38, 21-04-2016
competition, action plan, table tennis, the university championship, student.
15:38, 13-04-2016
Tired of sitting at home? Do you want to warm up?Then this ad is for you! From 14 to 31 March 2016 will be competitions in table tennis among students and employees of the State University of Telecommunications. To participate in the comp..
19:38, 10-03-2016
25 February, 2016 in the State university of telecommunications within the framework of collaboration with a company « BMS Consulting » the first competitions took place from informative safety among the students of Educational-scientific..
14:03, 04-03-2016
On February, 25 in the State University of Telecommunications took place an information security quest «DUT CTF I». The quest provided 15 tasks of varying complexity. For each task, the participants received different amount of points. Th..
13:41, 01-03-2016
News for students who plan to work in the field of cybersecurity. One of the mandatory questions during the interview for the post of specialist cybersecurity Did you participate in CTF competition? What task given the right/wrong answers?. So ..
14:08, 24-02-2016
On December, 15, 2015 took place competition on championship of the State university of telecommunications on arm-wrestling. Competitions were conducted in two gravimetric categories. In a gravimetric category to 80 kg the student of faculty of infor..
13:09, 21-12-2015
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