State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "company"
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
Section: Work with students
Section: Work with students
News in which occurs: "company"
Forum Cisco «Cybersecurity Technology will be held December 8, in Kiev at the Olympic NSC, ul. B. Vasylkivska, 55. In a Program: Cisco Integrated protection Anatomy of the attack. Methods of work of cybercriminals Network as a safety..
10:34, 05-12-2016
All of us know that Microsoft had mobile business which works under the brand of Nokia. Well now the representatives of Microsoft decided to sell mobile subdivision and strike bargain with a company FIH Mobile, which, in turn, is included in the stru..
09:08, 04-07-2016
25 and May 26, 2016 took place the last two in this academic year, the seminar from the company «CyberBionic systematics».
17:09, 12-06-2016
Whatever will do for the sake of friends. Business reached already and to the motor-car keys. That Your friends could take advantage of Your car, now it is not necessary to meet and pass them from hands in hands. This novelty from the lovers of ap..
22:05, 05-06-2016
April 22, 2016 at Expocentre Ukraine training for installers of satellite Internet company Eutelsat. For training of installers arrived from France (c. Paris) - Mr Pier Luigi Pellegrino - technical engineer training staff of Eutelsat. The trai..
11:26, 28-04-2016
And did you know that 93% objects of company Apple all over the world work on refurbishable energy?
10:14, 03-04-2016
A brief description of the news: Excursion students 4th year at the state enterprise special instrument "Arsenal".
12:45, 18-03-2016
will be held in Kiev in Ukraine is already the second forum ynnovatsyonnыh technology InnoTech Ukraine 2016
09:10, 15-03-2016
26.02.2016, the department of Space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications took place between the working meeting with the sales manager ofAlpha Grissin Infotech Ukraine– Kasparov L. A. During the meeting head of the departme..
14:23, 29-02-2016
Experts of the company Veracode submitted a report, on which work took them one and a half years. During this time, experts have studied more than 200 000 different applications trying to determine how the situation with security in the sphere of..
13:25, 29-02-2016
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