State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "University"
Section: University
Section: University
Section: University
Section: University
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
News in which occurs: "University"
Nowardays employers have been looking for applicants who are not only experienced and have some deep professional knowledge ,– some certain soft skills are crucially important for them. After all, they are directly related to the productivity o..
14:54, 08-02-2023
Let me introduce the report on the organization of courses: «Training of specialists in administration of IBM AIX» Course Leader: Liskovskii Igor Teachers: Rohovyi Vitalii Podrushnyak Volodymyr Lectures supplemented by practic..
10:35, 26-12-2016
Congratulations to the newly elected leaders of the Student Council of the State University of Telecommunications; December 8 elections were held Head of Student Council of the University and student councils heads of departments of Teleco..
09:34, 09-12-2016
Ended important and significant event for our university - Regional Seminar of the International Telecommunication Union Trends converged networks: decision POST-NGN: 4Gi, 5G » That opened our eyes to the students, making them a great impres..
15:22, 25-11-2016
Dear students! November 25 at 11:20 at the conference hall of the University will meet representatives of the company VOLIA with the students of the State University of Telecommunications. VOLIA is a leading Ukrainian national telecommunication..
15:25, 24-11-2016
The solemn dedication to students State University of Telecommunication will be held on September 1 at 7:45 near the main entrance to the University. You are welcome with your parents and friends at the solemn dedication of the students of ..
21:42, 29-08-2016
25 June 2016 at the State University of telecommunications was held the graduation of students of day form of education. The teaching staff of the Department of mathematics congratulates the graduates on the successful completion of training and wish..
11:58, 29-06-2016
The entry exam in English is a must. The structure of this exam (in a format of a lexical and grammatical test): 50 questions (items). Time on task: 60 min. Evaluation: There are 4 marks for each correct answer (one out..
21:55, 24-06-2016
Оn May 26, 2016, in its central office, Resource Development Unit Epam Kyiv held a remarkable event - EPAM University Days. The event was attended by Head of the Applied Programming Department Onishchenko V.V. and by coach of EPAM training center at ..
16:43, 12-06-2016
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