State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "Staff"
News in which occurs: "Staff"
October 5, 2016 at the State University of Telecommunications held labor collective meeting. All members of the department of computer systems and networks attended. In a market economy with its characteristic organizational and managerial sys..
11:33, 06-10-2016
In the Swedish city of Viken for several months successfully operates a shop where there is no staff. Cashiers and sellers, and buyers replaced app smartphones. Such modern shop came to mind the local IT-specialist Robert Eliasson, who invente..
17:10, 18-03-2016
Meeting of the teaching staff of the department RRM with the student council of the research institute of Telecommunications and Information February 23, 2016 a meeting of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department RRM Training and Res..
11:13, 24-02-2016
19th January 2016 held meeting of the department of Information security management. During the meeting of scientific and teaching staff considered the following issues
14:12, 22-01-2016

May 28, 2015 a meeting of the Department of KSM. The meeting was attended by all staff.

Addressed the following issues:

1. Innovative trends of modern education.

2. Vocational guidance.

3. On the state of curatorial work.

4. Misc.

15:56, 02-06-2015

April 17, 2015 a meeting of the Department of KSM. The meeting was attended by all staff.
Addressed the following issues:

  1. Innovative trends of modern education.
  2. Vocational guidance.
  3. On the state of curatorial work.
  4. Misc.
11:52, 17-04-2015
Dear students, colleagues, distinguished guests. Congratulations to the faculty, graduate students, all employees of the Sovereign Telecommunications University of Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new academic year. September 1 - this is the ..
13:10, 01-09-2014
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