State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "Diploma"
Section: Educational process
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship
News in which occurs: "Diploma"
Defence of diploma, for the receipt of educational degree there is a master, by the students of SZD-41 group.
12:26, 29-06-2016
Defence of diploma, for the receipt of educational degree there is a bachelor, by the students of SZD-41 group.
12:21, 29-06-2016
June 21, 2016 at the Department of informative and cyber security defended bachelor diploma students of the fourth year of BAN-41 Educational and Research Institute data protection. All students successfully defended their work and qualified exper..
15:17, 23-06-2016
June, 17th were defended bachelor diploma by students of the Educational-Scientific institute of Information Security. In addition to high-level results presented should provide students with two groups of 41 and DSS-41, UBD, who presented a report o..
13:15, 23-06-2016
9, 10 and 14 June 2016 held successful defense of diploma students 4 and 5 courses of the specialty Sociology Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship SUT. The students demonstrated a high level of professional train..
10:20, 17-06-2016
The quality of professional training in the field of mobile communications determines the future of technologies. This shows the great importance of education in this direction. Universities and colleges prepare Specialists in the area of wireless br..
13:55, 14-06-2016
June 3, 2016 the Department of Space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications will be a pre-defense of theses and projects graduates of the University. Beginning at 14:00 in 211 auditorium. For preliminary defense must be read..
15:33, 26-05-2016
The dynamics of the development of modern mobile radio technology for transmitting multimedia information relevant requirements put forward to the graduates of the specialty Equipment of radio broadcasting and television educational qualification of ..
12:47, 25-05-2016
The quality of professional training in the field of mobile telecommunications largely determine the future of technology. And it says a lot about the importance of education in this area. Specialists in wireless technologies and digital television g..
14:05, 12-05-2016
January 22, 2016 solemn events on the occasion of the next release of specialists at the State University of Telecommunications. During the event, Rector Tolubko Volodymyr Borysovych solemnly handed diplomas with honors for excellent teaching. Also a..
13:53, 29-01-2016
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