State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "Certificate"
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Section: Admission Commission
Section: Work with students
News in which occurs: "Certificate"
Last week, the Department of mathematics were awarded certificates for the successful completion of the courses Computational mathematics with the use of a personal computer Students, who for the entire duration of the course successfully studied and..
11:51, 29-06-2016
During the study of the Software Engineering course, first-year students learned modern project management methodology for flexible software development: Extreme Programming, DSDM, Scrum, FDD, Agile. Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile sof..
14:06, 14-06-2016
On the 4th of June, 2016 in the hall of the State University of Telecommunications the graduation of the preparatory department listeners was held. 50 graduates received certificates for successful completion of the preparatory department. On s..
16:34, 06-06-2016

The Department of Computer Systems and Networks were trained "Logical Foundations of computing devices." 17 students received certificates.

15:53, 30-05-2016
April 22, 2016 4th year students of the State University of telecommunications finished my internship in PJSC Datagroup. She ended with the issuance of the certificates, which was attended by Deputy technical Director for outsourcing - Basil C..
15:54, 27-04-2016
Short description news: Cooperation with JSC Datagroup specialists of the department and 4th year students towards Telecommunications will take part in the training for installers of satellite Internet with the presentation of certificates of Eutelsa..
11:24, 12-04-2016
Members of the Department of System analysis (up to 25. 03. 2016 Department of computer science) PhD, Assoc. Yartsev V. P., senior lecturer Kotomchak A. Y. obtained the qualification certificates of the international companies InterSistems on..
15:00, 28-03-2016
n March 23, 2016 a certificate of registration of copyright under number 64214 was issued to assistant professor Yaskevich V., graduate student Tikhonov E. and 3-rd year student Yaskevich Y. for developing a computer program to minimize logic functio..
09:23, 27-03-2016
26 February 2016 3rd year students of the State University of telecommunications finished an internship at JSC Datagroup. She ended the solemndelivery of the certificate, which was attended by the General Director of PJSC Datagroup - Alexander Kar..
11:32, 03-03-2016
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