State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Training for installers of satellite Internet with the presentation of certificates of Eutelsat

11:24, 12-04-2016

Cooperation department of space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications State University of Telecommunications JSC "Datagroup" continues to bear fruit. April 22, 2016 at Expocentre Ukraine held training for installers of satellite Internet company Eutelsat. For training group installers arrive from France (Paris) – Mr. Pier Luigi Pellegrino – Technical Engineer for training personnel of the company Eutelsat.

The training will be attended by representatives of the university:

1. Head of the Department of Space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications – Vlasenko GM

2. Associate Professor of telecommunications technologies - Kirilyevnin AM

3. 4th year student direction "Telecommunications" – M. Melnichenko

4. 4th year student direction "Telecommunications" – Osadchy VU

5. 4th year student direction "Telecommunications" – Horn PA

6. 4th year student direction "Telecommunications" – Temurov Yuldash Ishmametovych

7. 4th year student direction "Telecommunications" – Husan Tursunov Husniddin uhly

The plan provides for the training:

1. Introduction to workshop participants (exchange souvenirs);

2. Theoretical part (demonstration screen slideshow of satellite Internet, the story of the technical specifications of the satellite signal and nature, advice on installing the Internet);

3. The practical part (consists of assembly, configuration and testing of the satellite dish, using portable equipment set);

4.Finalna part – the presentation of certificates of Eutelsat.

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