State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


At the State University of Telecommunications took place graduates in specialties Radio communication, broadcasting and television and Information communication networks. At the presentation of the diplomas were 45 students who successfully defended ..
14:05, 18-03-2016
The agenda for the meeting of the the innovation management department, 10 March 2016.
13:15, 18-03-2016
A brief description of the news: Excursion students 4th year at the state enterprise special instrument Arsenal.
12:45, 18-03-2016
on March, 11-12 in Kyiv the second annual forum, sanctified to innovative technologies, took place in НСК Olympic. What can be said?.. They in Ukraine, nevertheless, are. It was what to show, was what to be proud of.
11:31, 18-03-2016
March 15 at the department of management and business simulation held a meeting with students of the 11th class of the Kiev specialized school number 149 on the further education at the University.
16:44, 17-03-2016
March 16, 2016 meeting of the department Safety and health during which the following issues: 1) Conducting career guidance department staff. 2) Discussion on scientific conference BZHDL 2016. 3) Preparation of open sessions teachers.
13:13, 17-03-2016
In recent years, more and more often speak and write about the work at a computer greatly increases the risk of (or worsening) of a number of diseases. However, this is not a reason to completely exclude the use of a PC at work and at home, especiall..
12:59, 17-03-2016
11:00, 17-03-2016
At the opening lesson on radiosport (1 lesson) master of sports with Ukraine Radioamator League Nikolai Ivanchikhin introduced a group of students RTD-31 directions of preparation Radio to the basic skills of handling the card, as well as the simples..
12:06, 16-03-2016
On 15 of March, 2016 asisston professor of the applied programming department Skubak A. conducted a meeting with the students of the 10th class of specialized secondary school №214 with in-depth study of economics, mathematics and computer science.
09:31, 16-03-2016
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