State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

«Computer» Disease Control and Prevention

12:59, 17-03-2016

In recent years, more and more often speak and write about the work at a computer greatly increases the risk of (or worsening) of a number of diseases. However, this is not a reason to completely exclude the use of a PC at work and at home, especially since the appearance of professional illnesses in many cases, blame the users themselves who ignore basic requirements of ergonomics and work organization.

Since the main channel for obtaining information from a PC monitor, it inevitably increases the load on the visual system. In addition, the user body is adversely affected by electromagnetic radiation, electrostatic fields and acoustic noise from working nearby monitor, system unit and peripherals.

One of the possible occupational disease is myopia. People who suffer from myopia, not clearly see objects located far away. Short-sighted person often can not read the sign on the building located on the other side of the street to distinguish the route number approaching the bus stop, etc., but it does not experience such problems at a short distance, such as reading books or working at the monitor. This is due to the fact that the image objects are not focused on the retina (as in healthy people), and in front of it. Changing the focal length due to physiological changes, especially elongation of the eyeball, or by increasing the refractive index of the cornea. We suffer from myopia people tend to have a combination of both forms of pathology.

Myopia can cause frequent headaches, and fatigue in situations requiring a long time to look into the distance, for example, while driving or in a lecture at the Institute.

Despite the fact that myopia is known to physicians for a long time, its causes not fully understood. Currently, the following risk factors are considered to be the most likely:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • eyestrain associated with prolonged and intense visual loads at close range, low-light work place, wrong planting in reading and writing, etc .;
  • wrong adjustment no vision correction at the first appearance of short-sightedness leads to further strain on the organs of vision and promotes the progression of myopia. The cause of eye muscle tension may become incorrect glasses or contact lenses.

According to the World Health Organization, currently myopia affects about 30% of all people living on Earth, and in developed countries the proportion is much higher. In recent years, physicians have noted that myopia is increasingly found in adolescents and young adults.

For the prevention of myopia should be given to the equipment workplace: in particular, to equip it with a powerful source of light. When working with the PC on the screen should not be used by the glare from the lighting, as well as penetrating the daylight windows and street lamps. It is desirable to work with a computer (as well as watch TV) in a dark or darkened room, because of the large difference of brightness between the home furnishings and on-screen image of the load on the eye increases significantly. At least once an hour you must take breaks (5-10 minutes), during which it is recommended to perform special exercises for the eyes.

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