State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


12:49, 02-06-2016
At this time, very intensive work is underway to establish the future shape of the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G). The main objectives of the standard 5G: expansion of the range of frequencies used; increase network capacity; improving the ..
12:39, 02-06-2016
11:29, 02-06-2016
Administration of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Order of 30.03.2016 № 239/229 approved the new rules of fire safety in communication (the Rules). The new rules w..
11:20, 02-06-2016
May 27, 2016 held regular sessions of the science club environment. The work by the problems of ecological safety of cities in the area of ​​influence of Wi-Fi technology on humans and the environment.
11:16, 02-06-2016
This academic year, the Department conducted negotiations with leading companies in the field of satellite telecommunications, such as: 1.Tooway UA - the first national operator, which specializes in connecting to the satellite two-way wireless (s..
09:57, 02-06-2016
15:36, 01-06-2016
On May 30, 2016 students of 11 topuniversities for engineering andtechnologyof Ukraine presented their projects to the introduction of new services that uses 3G. The participation of the team of theState University of Telecommunicationscomposed of st..
15:26, 01-06-2016
09:58, 01-06-2016
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