Lectures with book of Shon Harris «CISSP», that is used with the aim of specialists preparation to handing over of examination and receipt of international certificate on information security proceed.
24 May in 13:30 in the conference ..
29 April a ninth lecture took place already at domain № 9 «Application security». A speaker was a student of 1th course, Kate Misevich. She told about basic principles of information security at application creation, managements by databases, methodo..
On the Information security systems department of the State university of telecommunications a train aid is produced: «Master's degree attestation work as independent scientific qualifying research».
13 April an eighth lecture took place already after a domain № a 8 «Legislation, requirements, accordance, investigation». A speaker was a student of 1th course, Mykhaylo Ruhljadko.
6 April, 2016 in Gymnasium № 59 name of О. М. Boychenko, Kyiv, was conducted vocational work with pupils of 10 and 11 classes, by the assistant of Information security systems department, Artem Platonenko, graduate of this gymnasium.
24.03.2016. Took place collections of students of Educational-scientific institute of Information security.
Order-paper of Collections of students of Educational-scientific institute of Information security. 1. Report of director of institute. 2. ..
27 March a seventh lecture took place already after a domain № 7 «Continuity of business and renewal after accidents». A speaker was a student of 1th course, Volodymyr Mishchan.