Lectures with book of Shon Harris «CISSP», that is used with the aim of preparation of specialists to handing over of examination and receipt of international certificate on information security proceed.
27 March of a seventh lecture took place already after a domain № a 7 «Continuity of business and renewal after accidents». An of speaker was a student of 1th course, Volodymyr Mishchan, that already in second times came forward before listeners. Explained of importance of business continuity and told about basic rules and requirements of renewal after accidents. Postgraduate student of information security systems department, Artem Platonenko, complemented a lecture with practical examples.
Thank our students of 1th course for active participation in realization of lectures!
Information about the first lecture: www.dut.edu.ua/ua/news/ 1/category/569/view/1965
Information about the second lecture: www.dut.edu.ua/ua/news/ 1/category/569/view/2050
Information about the third lecture: www.dut.edu.ua/ua/news/ 1/category/569/view/2163
Information about a fourth lecture: www.dut.edu.ua/ua/news/ 1/category/569/view/2250
Information about a fifth lecture: www.dut.edu.ua/ua/news/ 3/category/569/view/2294
Information about a sixth lecture: www.dut.edu.ua/ua/news/1/category/569/view/2924
A next lecture will be on a theme: « Legislation, requirements, accordance, investigation».
Watch the news. See you!