State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
Contact information:
Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Collections of students of Educational-scientific institute of Information security

15:30, 01-04-2016

24.03.2016. Took place students collections of Educational-scientific institute of Information security.

Order-paper of Collections of students  of Educational-scientific institute of Information security

1. Report of director of institute

2. Report of institute student council Chairman

Report of director of institute

1. In this semester in a kind academic unprogress from Institute of Information security it is deducted:

- 2 students of the first course - appeared organizationally unready to the studies in higher educational establishment.

-1  student 5 course - was solvent potentially, but did not want to execute the requirements of curriculum in practice.

2. There are problems of attendance of employments students that work.

Attitude of guidance of institute toward students that work, - positive. But not due to studies. When a student studies, then work is its right, and studies is a duty.

3. Smoking is in Dormitory.

The law of Ukraine forbids smoking in public places such, as a dormitory. Last week there was a corresponding incident. The analysis of case convincingly showed to the participating students, that to burn really harmful (at least for a mood).

4. I pay attention to correctness of commonunication of students with the employees of university. I call to mutual politeness.

5. Processing of documents goes on a military department. Corresponding help information is in a dean's office.

6. I ask in time to execute an inpayment for studies and dormitory. The delay of payment creates problems in relation to providing of educational process.

7. I remind that proceeds set of candidates on summer school on the program TEMPUS to the project ENGENSEC from Cybersecurity for the master's degrees of the State university of telecommunications. Free of charge. Competitive selection.

Term of serve of requests - to April, 9.

Report of Institute student council Chairman 

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